
Showing posts from January, 2019

SKY Breathing


Ashtanga yoga Pranayama (Garrigues)

24 pranayama videos

Kundalini Yoga Pranyama

Chakras & Chakra Pranayama (Bija) Chakra 1: Muladhara Chakra The first Chakra, Muladhara (root), is located at the base of the spine. Its color is red and its issues are survival, stability, and self-sufficiency. Chakra 2: Svadhisthana Chakra The second Chakra, Svadhisthana (sweetness), is located at the lower abdomen (between belly button and pelvic bone). Its color is orange and its issues are sexuality, creativity, relationships and emotions. Chakra 3: Manipura Chakra The third Chakra, Manipura (lustrous gem), is located at the solar plexus (between belly button and bottom of rib cage). Its color is yellow and its issues are personal power, self esteem, willfulness and energy. Chakra 4: Anahata Chakra The fourth Chakra, Anahata (not struck), is located at the heart (center of the chest). Its color is green and its issues are love, compassion, acceptance, and trust. Chakra 5: Vishuddha Chakra The fifth Chakra, Vissudha (purification), is located at ...

Rules for Pranayama

Pranayama ·      Use breath to support movement rather than oppose it. ·      Not disturbing the flow of the breath or the focus of the mind ·      Mental steadiness is the goal ·      Breath is the link between body and mind  ·      Therapeutic nature: affects the “doshas” Prana ·      Life force: exists in and makes up all living things ·      Beyond sense conception, energy, not air ·      Prana expresses itself through the functions of the body and mind, it is the reason we keep breathing when we are asleep ·      When prana is blocked in a portion of the body, that portion ceases to function properly. ·      We change the movements of body breath, mind and FOOD in order to restore prana to normal unimpeded levels. This is because food has prana as it was l...

Pranayama Sequences (Iyengar)

Pranayama: Ujjayi Pranayama Reclined v Unconditioned fully conscious breath v Unconditioned inhalation/ Extended exhalation v Extended Inhalation/ Unconditioned exhalation v Extended inhalation & Exhalation Seated with Jalandara Bandha v Unconditioned fully conscious breath v Unconditioned inhalation/ Extended exhalation v Extended Inhalation/ Unconditioned exhalation v Extended inhalation & Exhalation v Extended inhalation/ Brief retention/ Extended exhalation v Extended inhalation/ Extended exhalation/ brief retention Seated with Jalandara & Mula Bandha v Extended inhalation/ Internal retention 10-15 seconds/ Extended exhalation  Seated with Jalandara & Uddiyana Bandha v Extended inhalation/ Extended exhalation/ External retention Seated with Jalandara, Mula, & Uddiyana Bandha v Extended inhalation/ Extended exhalation/ retention v Extended inhalation/ Internal retention/ Extended exhalation/ external retention Vilo...