Pranayama Sequences (Iyengar)
Ujjayi Pranayama
vUnconditioned fully conscious breath
vUnconditioned inhalation/ Extended exhalation
vExtended Inhalation/ Unconditioned exhalation
vExtended inhalation & Exhalation
Seated with Jalandara Bandha
vUnconditioned fully conscious breath
vUnconditioned inhalation/ Extended exhalation
vExtended Inhalation/ Unconditioned exhalation
vExtended inhalation & Exhalation
vExtended inhalation/ Brief retention/ Extended exhalation
vExtended inhalation/ Extended exhalation/ brief retention
Seated with Jalandara & Mula Bandha
vExtended inhalation/ Internal retention 10-15 seconds/ Extended exhalation
Seated with Jalandara & Uddiyana Bandha
vExtended inhalation/ Extended exhalation/ External retention
Seated with Jalandara, Mula, & Uddiyana Bandha
vExtended inhalation/ Extended exhalation/ retention
vExtended inhalation/ Internal retention/ Extended exhalation/ external retention
Viloma Pranayama
vInterrupted inhalation (3 to 5 stages)
vInterrupted exhalation (3 to 5 stages)
vInterrupted inhalation & exhalation (3 to 5 stages)
Seated with Jalandara Bandha
vInterrupted inhalation (3 to 5 stages)
vInterrupted exhalation (3 to 5 stages)
vInterrupted inhalation & exhalation (3 to 5 stages)
vInterrupted inhalation (3 to 5 stages), internal retention, extended exhalation
vExtended inhalation, interrupted exhalation (3 to 5 stages), external retention
Seated with Jalandara & Mula Bandha
vInterrupted inhalation (3 to 5 stages)/ Internal retention/ interrupted exhalation (3 to 5 stages), external retention
Kapalabhati Pranayama(cleansing)
If we have a lot of mucus in the air passages or feel tension and blockages in the chest it is often helpful to breathe quickly. In this practice, we deliberately breathe faster and at the same time use only Abdominal Breathing, that is, diaphragmatic, not Chest Breathing. the Breath is short, rapid, and strong,using the lungs as a pump, creating so much pressure as they expel the air that all the waste is removed from the air passages, from the lungs up through the nostrils. Kapala means "skull," and bhati means "that which brings lightness."we always conclude the practice of Kapalabhati with some slow breaths. It is important not to breathe rapidly too many times, but after a few rapid breaths take several slow ones in which we emphasize the long Exhalation.
Seated(Virasana, Sukasana, Twisted pose)
vTake unconditioned breaths.
vInhale passively, exhale, pulling in your abdomen. Repeat twenty times, keeping a steady rhythm and emphasizing the exhalation each time.
vTake unconditioned breaths.
vExtended Inhalation and internal retention for as long as you comfortably can. Slow, extended exhalation.
Bhastrika (Bellows) is the most powerful of all Breathing Exercises for raising Kundalini Bhastrika. Bhastrika or Bellows consists a series of pumping followed by the retention of breath like Kapalabhati.
Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows)
Bhastrika is primarily consists of forced rapid deep breathing which serves as a basis for many varieties of exercises, all of which may be described by the same name. Although air is forced both in and out, the emphasis is placed upon the exhalation. A series of such exhalations, each following the other in quick succession without either Full or Empty Pause, is called "A Round". Beginners should limit a round to about five exhalations, though the number may be increased to ten, or even more if needed to obtain the desired effect---increased ventilation, increased Blood Circulation, clearing of the Nasal Passages and increased thinking capacity to eliminating of all Mental Disturbances. It is customary to finish or follow a round by the deepest possible inhalation and exhalation. A series of normal breaths should occur before undertaking a second round. A deepest possible inhalation and exhalation should, introduce each round. Variations include using a full pause after each round, partial glottis closures and Alternation of Nostrils.
vTake extended breaths.
vInhale & exhale, rapidly & forcefully through the mouth, pulling in your abdomen. Repeat 5-10 times, keeping a steady rhythm and emphasizing the exhalation each time.
vTake extended breaths.
vInhale & exhale, rapidly & forcefully through the nose, pulling in your abdomen. Repeat 5-10 times, keeping a steady rhythm and emphasizing the exhalation each time.
vExtended inhalation, internal retention
vExtended exhalation, external retention
vInhale & exhale, rapidly & forcefully through the nose, pulling in your abdomen. Repeat 5-10 times, keeping a steady rhythm and emphasizing the exhalation each time.
vNadi shona
vInhale & exhale, rapidly & forcefully through the nose, pulling in your abdomen. Repeat 5-10 times, keeping a steady rhythm and emphasizing the exhalation each time.
vTake extended breaths.
Bhramari Pranayama (Nasal Snoring)
In Bhramari, the lips are closed and vibrations of the soft palate are cause entirely by nasal airflow unlike the usual mouth snoring. The soft palate must be lifted toward the top of the pharynx sufficiently to produce flutter which may be very hard to control. The sound produced is commonly described as similar to the buzzing of a bee. Bharamri is beneficial to Pregnant Women as preparation for labor.
vTake extended breaths.
vInhale rapidly through the nose, vibrating the soft palate. Exhale slowly through the nose, vibrating the soft palate.
vTake extended breaths.
Sitkari Pranayama (Teeth Hissing)
The sides of the tongue are pressed against the teeth, lining the sides of the mouth, if they are closed tightly, or expanding between the upper and lower; sets, if the jaw is opened slightly. The sound, a kind of reversed hissing, like that made when one suddenly touches ice or a hot object or feels a draft of hot or frigid air, should be regulated so as to be smooth and to sound pleasant. The experience has been described as "sipping air."
vTake extended breaths.
vExtended Inhalation through the teeth, with the tongue engaged to “sip air”, with teeth tightly closed or slightly opened with the tongue tip regulating air intake.
vClose lips. Internal retention JALANDARA BANDHA- drop head.
vRAISE HEAD. Extended exhalation through both nostrils.
vTake extended breaths.
Sitali Pranayama (Tongue hissing)
During inhalation, curl up both edges of the tongue so that it forms a kind of tube. Breathe in through this tube. During inhalation the air passes over the moist tongue, cooling down and refreshing the throat. In order to be sure that the tongue remains moist, roll it back as far as possible against the palate. Faster or slower inhalation, makes possible variations in loudness and softness and smoothness of the reversed hissing sound. Seated with Jalandara Bandha
vTake extended breaths.
vExtended Inhalation through the tongue in the shape of a tube, Extended exhalation through the mouth with the tip of the tongue on the soft palette. Close lips
vExtended Inhalation through the tongue in the shape of a tube. Extended exhalation through both nostrils with the tip of the tongue on the soft palette.
Seated with Jalandara & Mula Bandha
vExtended Inhalation through the tongue in the shape of a tube, internal retention, Extended exhalation through the mouth with the tip of the tongue on the soft palette. Close lips.
vExtended Inhalation through the tongue in the shape of a tube, internal retention, Extended exhalation through both nostrils with the tip of the tongue on the soft palette.
Seated with Jalandara, Mula, & Uddiyana Bandha
vExtended Inhalation through the tongue in the shape of a tube, internal retention, Extended exhalation through the mouth with the tip of the tongue on the soft palette. External retention. Close lips.
vExtended Inhalation through the tongue in the shape of a tube, internal retention, Extended exhalation through both nostrils with the tip of the tongue on the soft palette. External retention
vUnconditioned breath
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